Saturday, September 12, 2009

Saturday September 12th

Another week of school already finished and so much still to do. The "Middle School Dance" was fun and the mac and cheese was excellent! Enjoyed the energy that the students had when talking about their most recent experiences; Scotland, Rehobeth and a jewelry bench.

The news is still full of the same old song of doom and gloom and while the economy has affected almost everyone there is still much to be thankful for. We live in the most interesting and diverse country in the world, but we take for granted our freedoms and the the luxuries that go with the concept of democracy. Unfortunately with those luxuries of freedom come complacency. This course gives us an opportunity to formulate thoughts and ideas about what we would like to change and how we can go about it.

Greg's idea for his Guerrilla Girl (Man?) tactic is full of energy and light. As soon as he started to explain what he wanted to do, than I wanted to do it as well. I love the idea of bringing something fun and empowering to his students and their school. I hope we get to support him in this endeavour.


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