Chris Stevens, a junior at Penn State is focusing on labor issues and self-empowerment for workers. He has staged sit-ins, been slapped with a misdemeanour, arrested and lived to talk about it. He pointed out to his fellow Nittaney Lions that sweatshops were manufacturing their famous and favorite sweatshirts. He was able to have the administration of Penn State stop ordering from Russell Athletics collegiate apparel line. Penn is now one of 70 schools who have dropped Russell.
Alexander Scott, a senior at Georgetown University promotes sexual health and reproductive rights for all. She has gone to Capital Hill and lobbied and had blogged on the Worlds Aids Dy Blog-a-thon. "Speak up-,Join the movement, blog on!" Her project for HIV testing on campus was so well received that they couldn't test everyone.
The last student mentioned was Patrick Mulkern. He is a junior at Boston College and uses the motto "If you want peace, fight for justice!" His cause centers around a US run combat-training school in Georgia for Latin American soldiers. The graduates of the school have been noted for violating human rights and linked to abuses. He also has riled his fellow students up by blowing an air horn and holding up a sign "if you think this annoying, then make it stop (human trafficking) the obscenities of human trafficking; He feels that his activism is part of who he is
and feels that he is on the right path.
great post, Anita. Maybe we can submit some of our projects to the publication. I hope everyone in the class reads this post. Individual can make a difference. Thank you.